Saturday, January 28, 2012

Full Sircle Farms

Full Sircle Farms; Kansas City’s source for natural free range, grass fed meat.

Earlier this fall I was invited out by the owners of Full Sircle Farms to pick up a chicken to try, and take a tour of the farm. Instead of a chicken, I was actually in need of a turkey due to the fact I was hosting Thanksgiving dinner.

They were happy to substitute the turkey and I was excited to find a local farm that was offering turkeys. 

At Full Sircle Farms, all of the animals are raised without growth hormones or other chemicals. Located in Excelsior Springs, Missouri, Full Sircle’s Farm to Table Service delivers farm fresh foods to your place of business and to host sites scattered across the Kansas City Metro. Full Sircle also offers Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) membership for individuals, companies, churches and coops and delivers to select restaurants and grocers throughout the Kansas City Metropolitan area.

The farm was beautiful and I almost felt a little guilty for loving lamb chops so much once I saw lambs happily grazing around the pasture.  All of the turkeys were already processed so there was no guilt in picking out the 37-pound bird and evidently, the guilty feeling passed quickly as I came home with a chicken and some lamb as well.

We have been eating very well here at the Meadows household and enjoying every bite. The turkey was a hit and easier than ever to cook in my Electrolux oven that has a “Perfect Turkey” setting.

You literally press the “Perfect Turkey” button; insert one end of the meat thermometer in the bird and the other end into a socket in the oven.  The oven starts itself, programs the proper temperature and then shuts itself off once the turkey has reached the appropriate internal temperature.

The turkey did come out perfect and was moist and delicious.

Full Sircle Farms is currently offering Custom Ordered - Grassland Beef, Bulk Heritage Pork, Bulk Lamb and variety bundles that are very affordable. They will also be setting up a various farmers markets to sell burger, eggs, sausage and the bundles.
Visit for more information or placing an order.

Full Sircle Farms
13404  Cameron Road, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
 Call: 913-575-8322 or 816-560-1858

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